La Voce della Luna directed by Frederico Fellini (orig. version). (WIKI) La voce della Luna? un film del 1990, l'ultimo diretto da Federico Fellini. ? ispirato al romanzo Il poema dei lunatici di Ermanno... autumn by the lake by Bart van der ...... Showing: Part2ism ? 'A Retrospective 1995-2011? @ Bar Lane Studios, York - It's not often that AM gets to report on exhibitions in York, but this is one show that was always destined to happen. Part2ism, or Part2 for you old ...
The AP reports that, at least officially, tourism industry pros aren't aware of bedbug-related cancellations, but that they've "privately told city officials" that they're "nervous" about the pests damaging the city's reputation and threatening business. The story doesn't cite any numbers, ... Maybe instead of stressing out about what bedbugs mean for the city's tourism industry, we should just start handing out bug spray and lithium tablets with each hotel reservation . ...
but a sentence or two from them will perhaps bear reproducing, and with these i trust the gentle reader, if that kind being still breathes, will be contented. - "it is a capital plan to carry a tablet with you, and, when you ...